Advocacy / Strategic Issues /
Internal Trade
Internal Trade
A truly open Canadian market – and a free flow of people, goods and services – is critical to a competitive national economy.

Our Position
As internal trade barriers cost Canada’s economy more than $14 billion each year, a truly open market, including the free flow of people, goods and services, within Canada is long past due. While continuing to strengthen the 1995 Agreement on Internal Trade, the federal government must work with the provinces and territories to develop a more robust, pan-Canadian agreement.
Pascal Chan
Senior Director, Transportation, Infrastructure & Construction
613.238.4000 (2202)
Policy Committees
An important complement to our Policy team, many significant policy public positions originate from our committees and working groups
Other Strategic Issues

Inclusive Growth
Our mission is to drive change, partner broadly and be the undisputed champion and catalyst for the future of business success.

Privacy & Data Protection
The right framework for Canada's data economy is one that creates trust and incentivizes innovation.

Natural Resources, Environment & Energy
Canada’s resource sector can play a key role in reducing global emissions. Achieving this untapped potential requires a strategic focus, continued policy refinement and access to world markets.