Promote Your Business

We offer a variety of advertising and sponsorship opportunities to enhance your company’s branding and strengthen your reputation in the business community.

Canadian Chamber of Commerce Icon

Sponsorship Opportunities

Advertising Opportunities

AGM & Convention

Our AGM and Convention brings together over 320 chamber of commerce executives and community business leaders to discuss the economic and political issues affecting the prosperity of Canadian business and sets our policy agenda for the upcoming year.

International Business Leader of the Year & Lifetime Achievement Awards

Established in 1992, our International Business Leader Awards recognize business executives from Canadian companies whose visionary corporate leadership has allowed their company to develop a strong, competitive Canadian presence in global markets.

Canada 360° Economic Summit

Our Summit features national and international economic experts and thought leaders – it is THE premier event for business, government and key Canadian leaders to shape the national economic agenda.

Hill Day

We’ll be holding an advocacy day in Ottawa to advance our policy priorities and better develop and sustain relationships with key parliamentarians and officials.

Thought Leadership Series

The Thought Leadership Series brings together business, government and academic leaders to share strategies and expertise and discuss how to foster the competitiveness of Canada. The feedback provided at these high-level discussions helps to guide our policy advocacy.

Excellence Level Partnership Program

Join us as an Excellence Level Partner and you’ll be supporting important national initiatives as well as providing your own customers, employees, suppliers and other vital stakeholders with tangible evidence of your organization’s commitment to excellence and to the success of Canadian business.