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Health and Safety

Health and Safety

For the latest COVID-19 updates and for comprehensive information, go to the Public Health Agency of Canada’s website. Other credible sources of...

For the latest COVID-19 updates and for comprehensive information, go to the Public Health Agency of Canada’s website.

Other credible sources of information include: 

Get the COVID Alert App

The COVID Alert App helps us break the cycle of infection. The app can let people know of possible exposures before any symptoms appear.

Getting Vaccinated

COVID-19 vaccines approved for use in Canada are free. They are available to priority populations first. They will then be available to everyone in Canada who is recommended to get the vaccine by federal, provincial and territorial public health authorities.

Vaccines and treatments for COVID-19: Vaccine rollout –

Mental Health

COVID-19 has placed a significant amount of pressure on employees, employers and families. Isolation, fear for the well-being of loved ones and financial strain are creating disruptions to all our lives.

During these difficult times, Canadians can obtain credible information and access services to support their mental health and well-being through a number of resources. Remember to frequently check in by phone or video with older Canadians, family members, neighbours or friends who may be isolated at home and more susceptible to mental health issues.

Wellness Together Canada provides mental health resources and direct access to peer support workers, social workers, psychologists and other professionals for confidential chat sessions or phone calls. Access it here.

Mental Health Commission of Canada has developed a hub of credible information and resources about maintaining mental health during this time of crisis and supporting people managing a mental illness in this new context.

WellCan app: We are also pleased to raise awareness of WellCan by Morneau Shepell. The WellCan app is a free collection of digital resources to support the mental health of all Canadians during COVID-19.

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