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A National Strategy to Address Canada’s Abandoned, Derelict and Hazardous Vessels
A National Strategy to Address Canada’s Abandoned, Derelict and Hazardous Vessels
Abandoned and derelict vessels can pose hazards to the environment, marine transportation, public health and safety and local economies.
Abandoned and derelict vessels can pose hazards to the environment, marine transportation, public health and safety and local economies.
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Canadian Chamber of Commerce: A Year In Review
Pharmacare: Raising the Bar for Canadians
5 Minutes for Business: There is no low carbon economy without a regulatory system that works
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Transportation Demand Management Solutions for Canada’s Industrial Areas & Business Parks
Transportation Demand Management Solutions for Canada’s Industrial Areas & Business Parks
Across Canada, and North America, urban planners are building our future, through goals, policies and land use designations which support...
Across Canada, and North America, urban planners are building our future, through goals, policies and land use designations which support complete communities. While offering many successful attributes, this approach inadequately addresses Transportation Demand Management planning for Industrial Areas and Business Parks. This resolution calls upon government to develop a comprehensive public transit service plan for Industrial Lands and Business Parks and identify opportunities to trial pilot Demand-Responsive Transit programs in Industrial Lands and Business Parks.
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Canadian Chamber of Commerce: A Year In Review
Pharmacare: Raising the Bar for Canadians
5 Minutes for Business: There is no low carbon economy without a regulatory system that works
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High Frequency Rail (HFR) Project by VIA HFR-VIA TGF Inc.
High Frequency Rail (HFR) Project by VIA HFR-VIA TGF Inc.
The Windsor-Quebec City corridor is experiencing rail congestion for both freight and passenger traffic. To remedy the situation, the government...
The Windsor-Quebec City corridor is experiencing rail congestion for both freight and passenger traffic.
To remedy the situation, the government has created a new Crown corporation, VIA HFR-VIA HFR Inc., to build a high-frequency rail network between Quebec City and Toronto.
The proposed network would include almost 1,000 km of dedicated electrified track.
Starting in 2024-2025, the government will invest $371.8 million over 6 years to advance the design and development of the project.
With more frequent, faster and more on-time passenger trains, this project will contribute to the economic recovery, regional development, tourism and the reduction of GHG emissions.
Related News
Canadian Chamber of Commerce: A Year In Review
Pharmacare: Raising the Bar for Canadians
5 Minutes for Business: There is no low carbon economy without a regulatory system that works
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Adding to Canada’s housing supply by strengthening Canada’s military through housing on military bases
Adding to Canada’s housing supply by strengthening Canada’s military through housing on military bases
The availability of secure and affordable housing for Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members is crucial for their well-being, retention and...
The availability of secure and affordable housing for Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members is crucial for their well-being, retention and recruitment{1}. A general lack of housing supply overall in many parts of Canada poses challenges for regional economies by making it harder for employers to attract and retain employees{2}. This affects individuals and families across all income levels.
By creating new housing on available Department of National Defence lands, CAF members will be less dependent on market housing in the communities that are home to Canada’s military bases{3}. This in turn will open up more market homes for residents who work outside the military.
Related News
Canadian Chamber of Commerce: A Year In Review
Pharmacare: Raising the Bar for Canadians
5 Minutes for Business: There is no low carbon economy without a regulatory system that works
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Commercial Border Crossing Access – Renewal
Commercial Border Crossing Access – Renewal
The country relies heavily on accessible transportation corridors and border services to facilitate the ever-growing economy, particularly in expanding natural...
The country relies heavily on accessible transportation corridors and border services to facilitate the ever-growing economy, particularly in expanding natural resource investments, development of supply chain manufacturing and applicable service sectors. Although Alberta continues to have a very prosperous trading relationship with its neighbors in the U.S. it still has only one Designated Commercial Office (DCO) with a disparity to the trading relationship and access to adequate border facilities to facilitate efficient trade between Canada and the U.S.
Related News
Canadian Chamber of Commerce: A Year In Review
Pharmacare: Raising the Bar for Canadians
5 Minutes for Business: There is no low carbon economy without a regulatory system that works
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Enhancing Rail Fluidity for Supply Chain Efficiency
Enhancing Rail Fluidity for Supply Chain Efficiency
The efficiency of Canada’s supply chain is crucial for maintaining the competitiveness of its exports. Rail transport plays a pivotal...
The efficiency of Canada’s supply chain is crucial for maintaining the competitiveness of its exports. Rail transport plays a pivotal role in the supply chain as around 70% of all intercity surface freight and half of Canada’s exports are moved by rail {1} However, there are challenges with railway transportation as the availability of rail transportation does not always meet shipper demand. Addressing these constraints requires strategic planning and investments to ensure that rail capacity meets future demand.
Related News
Canadian Chamber of Commerce: A Year In Review
Pharmacare: Raising the Bar for Canadians
5 Minutes for Business: There is no low carbon economy without a regulatory system that works
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Connecting Canada: Improving Air Connectivity for Mid-Sized Airports
Connecting Canada: Improving Air Connectivity for Mid-Sized Airports
Canada’s aviation industry is pivotal in connecting communities, facilitating trade, and driving economic growth. However, challenges persist, particularly for mid-sized...
Canada’s aviation industry is pivotal in connecting communities, facilitating trade, and driving economic growth. However, challenges persist, particularly for mid-sized airports. At present, airlines exhibit signs of market concentration, with dominant carriers wielding significant influence. This concentration is a barrier to entry for new players. Along with concerns with airlines directly key issues plague the competition model of mid-sized airports including regulatory barriers and funding regimes, foreign ownership restrictions, and constraints on available airport slots. These barriers impede the entry of new competitors and the growth of airports, stifling innovation and perpetuating a landscape favouring established players.
Related News
Canadian Chamber of Commerce: A Year In Review
Pharmacare: Raising the Bar for Canadians
5 Minutes for Business: There is no low carbon economy without a regulatory system that works
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Implementing the Canada Trade Infrastructure Plan (CTIP)
Implementing the Canada Trade Infrastructure Plan (CTIP)
Persistent challenges to delivering products into markets originating from inadequate domestic trade infrastructure is an escalating concern for business in...
Persistent challenges to delivering products into markets originating from inadequate domestic trade infrastructure is an escalating concern for business in all sectors across Canada.
Related News
Canadian Chamber of Commerce: A Year In Review
Pharmacare: Raising the Bar for Canadians
5 Minutes for Business: There is no low carbon economy without a regulatory system that works
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A Pathway to Fixing the Affordable Housing Crisis in Canada
A Pathway to Fixing the Affordable Housing Crisis in Canada
Housing is an integral part of economic growth. The connections between affordable housing investment and economic growth have been well...
Housing is an integral part of economic growth. The connections between affordable housing investment and economic growth have been well recognized in literature.{1}{2}{3} And yet investment in affordable housing has been insufficient to meet demands. To ensure long-term community sustainability, local and regional economic development and growth plans must consider the role of affordable housing in the growing economy.
Related News
Canadian Chamber of Commerce: A Year In Review
Pharmacare: Raising the Bar for Canadians
5 Minutes for Business: There is no low carbon economy without a regulatory system that works
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Enhancing Port Safety and Efficiency
Enhancing Port Safety and Efficiency
Organized criminal (OC) groups exploit marine ports for both profit-driven crimes like drug trafficking, counterfeiting, and cargo theft, and tactical...
Organized criminal (OC) groups exploit marine ports for both profit-driven crimes like drug trafficking, counterfeiting, and cargo theft, and tactical support activities. These involve corrupting industry insiders and occasionally intimidating security and law enforcement personnel. While legislation aims to curb port criminality, evolving tactics demand additional measures. The Government of Canada can empower ports by providing training to local police, broadening security clearance criteria, refining security plans to address criminal threats beyond infrastructure, and fostering information sharing among supply chain partners.