Wins for Canadian Business

We work hard every day to communicate the needs of Canadian businesses of all sizes, sectors, and regions to government, and to advocate for their best interest. We love what we do and are proud of what we’ve achieved to help Canadians from coast to coast to coast.

2023 Wins for Business

We were happy to see a number of policy wins in 2023 that happened either as a direct result of our advocacy or as recent adoptions of our policy recommendations from pre-budget submissions and resolutions passed at previous AGMs.

Some highlights:

  • Fall Economic Statement included two major items we have advocated for: a commitment to labour mobility and credential recognition (a long-standing policy resolution from the Canadian Chamber Network) and commitments to expedite the roll-out of Investment Tax Credits from Budget 2023 (which we advocated for in October in response to member concerns).
  • The November release of Canada’s Immigration System Report and Immigration Levels Plan included a number of our policy asks, including the adoption of digital tools for assessments, the targeting of homebuilders and the inclusion of considerations for housing and healthcare in the immigration levels plan. Notably, with 60% of permanent residency statuses granted to economic class migrants, there is better alignment with labour market dynamics and regional as well as sector-specific needs, as long advocated for by the Canadian Chamber.
  • Ongoing advocacy and media presence on the labour disruption in the St. Lawrence Seaway resulted in action from the federal government and quick resolution to the strike. We have also been particularly vocal on newly proposed “anti-replacement worker” legislation.
  • Canadian Chamber CEO Perrin Beatty met with High-Frequency Rail CEO Martin Imbleau in Ottawa to discuss next steps for the project, in line with our 2021 policy resolutions.
  • In September, the Prime Minister announced that MP Jennifer O’Connell (Pickering-Uxbridge) will take on the role of Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs (Cybersecurity). This is the first time there has been explicit reference to cybersecurity in the role and the addition is directly tied to our positions.
  • Following broad advocacy, including over 250 members of the Canadian Chamber Network and other partners, the government announced a further year’s extension to the CEBA loan repayment deadline, a further quarter’s extension to qualifying for the forgivable component, and a new three-year sub-prime loan (5%) for those unable to refinance or pay off their loans now.
  • Following a decade of advocacy and multiple resolutions from the Canadian Chamber Network, the Temporary Foreign Workers Program announced a three-year Recognized Employer Pilot to reduce administrative red tape for repeat employers who meet the highest standards of worker protections.
  • We advocated for government intervention in the West Coast ports strike and expanded government powers. Following resolution, the Minister of Labour and Seniors announced a review of the Canada Labour Code to examine how the government can expand its toolbox to prevent labour disruptions in the future.
  • Following our participation at the Council of the Federation’s summer meeting, premiers endorsed the principles set out in the Canada Trade Infrastructure Plan proposed by a coalition of business organizations.
  • The government announced an investment of up to $30 million to build a new preclearance facility at Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport for United States-bound travellers. The new facility will build capacity for Toronto’s growing business and leisure passenger volumes and addresses a 2022 policy resolution.
  • Budget 2023 included the announcement of a National Supply Chain Strategy (a longstanding Canadian Chamber priority for investment and trade corridor infrastructure), and a one-year pause on the significant increase planned for the alcohol escalator tax, which we targeted in government advocacy as well as on social media and in earned media.
  • In May, a new Assistant Deputy Minister role was announced at Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) responsible for life sciences — a top Life Sciences Council recommendation.
  • Cyber. Right. Now.’s priority of a Cabinet position to be designated as the government’s lead on cybersecurity was included as the top recommendation of the joint industry-government Canadian Forum for Digital Infrastructure Resilience report released by ISED.
  • In May, a delay was announced for the implementation of S-211’s public reporting regime on forced labour within supply chains (the Canadian Chamber raised concerns regarding a lack of clarity on how companies can demonstrate compliance).
  • In May, Canada announced a new Verified Traveller Program to offer a more efficient screening process, the focus of Canadian Chamber submissions, testimony at committee and an op-ed in The Sun.
  • In March, we secured amendments to regulations on the prohibition of property purchases by non-Canadians following discussions with the Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities’ office. Specifically, the changes allow more homebuilders to participate in the Canadian market while still preserving the spirit of the regulations. Additionally, the Minister’s staff underscored having not heard of these constraints prior to discussions with us.
  • Treasury Board announced a return to government offices under the “common hybrid work model” effective Q1 2023.
  • Parliament’s Finance Committee published its formal recommendations for the upcoming Budget, which included a number of the Cyber. Right. Now. Council’s key asks, including the establishment of a Cabinet-level lead on cybersecurity and supporting a pipeline of cyber commercialization.
  • A letter sent to Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee was publicly acknowledged and led to the end of a filibuster over whether the committee would expose our members’ confidential COVID-19 vaccine supply agreements with the government, breaking their contractual confidentiality and establishing a dangerous precedent for all businesses who have dealings with government.

2022 Wins for Business

Budget 2022

We were happy to see a number of policy wins for business in the Budget aligned with our pre-budget submission and/or policy resolutions passed at previous AGMs.

Some highlights:

  • Funding of $875.2 million over five years, plus an ongoing $238.2 million per year to respond to cybersecurity threats. This goes towards the Communications Security Establishment as well as other departments and crown corporations.
  • $1.5 billion over seven years for infrastructure investments to support critical mineral supply chains, plus a further $1.5 billion to support manufacturing, processing and recycling applications.
  • Additional $450 million over five years for the National Trade Corridor Fund, with a rebranding of the fund to focus on supply chains.
  • Launch a cannabis strategy table led by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) to identify ways to grow the sector.
  • An investment tax credit of up to 30% for net-zero technologies, battery storage solutions and clean hydrogen.
  • Amendments to the Employment Insurance Act to provide more support for worker re-training, including a commitment to modernizing Labour Market Transfer Agreements.
  • Funding of $29.3 million over three years for a Temporary Foreign Worker (TFW) Trusted Employer Model that reduces red tape for regular users of the program. More details to be announced in 2023.
  • A consultation will launch on Bill C-208 passed by the last Parliament to reduce loopholes in the execution of intergenerational business transfers.

Explore a more detailed list of Budget 2022 wins for business here.

2021 Wins for Business

Budget 2021
The Budget delivered on a number of our specific policy proposals outlined in our Roadmap to Recovery, pre-budget submission and policy resolutions.

Some highlights:

  • Extension of business supports like CEWS and CERS for the hardest-hit sectors and small businesses.
  • Creation of the Canada Recovery Hiring Program to help the hardest hit businesses hire staff when they are ready for recovery.
  • Reskilling and upskilling to get Canadians back to work, as well as producing better data on labour market demand in individual communities and building talent pipelines based on employer needs.
  • National leadership on reducing interprovincial trade barriers by collecting data, identifying barriers, and allocating federal transfers to provinces and territories to address these issues.
  • Recapitalization of the National Trade Corridors fund to support trade-enabling infrastructure
  • Support for SME technology adoption through capital expenditures and financing to improve Canadian productivity.


Explore a more detailed list of our Budget 2021 policy wins.