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ATA Carnet: A Passport for Your Goods

ATA Carnet: A Passport for Your Goods

Do you know what a carnet is? Chances are you do not, but that does not mean you and your...

Do you know what a carnet is? Chances are you do not, but that does not mean you and your business will not need one at some point. We have been providing the sales industry, the media, as well as sports and entertainment organizations with nearly 4,000 carnets a year to help them bring their goods across international borders duty-free and tax-free. Just as every Canadian travelling out of country needs a passport, equipment and goods often times need one as well.

What can you carry with a carnet? Goods temporarily imported on a Carnet must qualify under one of three categories:

  1. Commercial samples
  2. Professional equipment
  3. Goods for presentation or use at trade fairs, shows, exhibitions or similar events 

What are the benefits to using a carnet when doing business internationally?

  1. It can be used in 78 different countries
  2. Virtually all goods are covered with a carnet, except consumable or disposable items
  3. Once a carnet is issued, it is good for a whole year
  4. You can use a carnet multiple times
  5. A carnet replaces most custom documents
  6. Having a carnet streamlines the process of clearing customs
  7. Purchasing a carnet is always in Canadian currency
  8. Applying for a carnet can easily be done online

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce, as is the Canadian national guaranteeing organization, has been issuing carnets since 1972. To find out more about this service, click here.

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