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2019 AGM and Convention: Fostering a Stronger Economic Environment for Business

2019 AGM and Convention: Fostering a Stronger Economic Environment for Business

In exactly one month, over 300 chambers of commerce executives and business leaders will meet in Saint John, NB for...

In exactly one month, over 300 chambers of commerce executives and business leaders will meet in Saint John, NB for the largest gathering of business leaders in Canada! From learning about digital advocacy strategies and trends to how the upcoming election will affect our members, our AGM enables our chamber network to be a part of a larger conversation on how to support and create lasting opportunities for Canadian business in an ever-changing society.

With over 70 policy motions to be tabled and the appointment of the new incoming Chair of our Board of Directors, this year’s program will pave the way to foster a stronger economic environment for business and shape our public policy objectives for the upcoming year.

Our AGM is not just an opportunity to discuss what is on the minds of business owners, but also showcase the influential work our chamber network has accomplished towards that! This year’s Chamber Competition will highlight chambers that have created advocacy through events.

We also look forward to experiencing the East Coast hospitality for a second time, which marks two important milestones: the anniversary of our very AGM, which was held in Saint John in 1926, and the 200th anniversary of our host, the Saint John Region Chamber of Commerce.

To learn more our advocacy efforts, which are shaped by the policy resolutions passed at our AGM and Convention, click here.

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