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Bill C-18: Letter from Honourable Perrin Beatty to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage and Minister Pablo Rodriguez
Bill C-18: Letter from Honourable Perrin Beatty to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage and Minister Pablo Rodriguez
Addressing a serious threat to the privacy of Canadians and to their rights to hold and express opinions on public issues.

Last Thursday, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Canadian Heritage signaled he would introduce a motion at the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage related to the ongoing review of Bill C-18 that, if adopted, would pose a serious threat to the privacy of Canadians and to their rights to hold and express opinions on public issues.
The motion would also put a chill on the legitimate work of thousands of associations, chambers of commerce, unions, social action groups, not-for-profits, and private enterprises across the country, and set a precedent that would make it easier for future governments of any political stripe to attempt to intimidate its opponents.
On March 19, the Honourable Perrin Beatty sent a letter on behalf of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, addressed to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage and Minister Pablo Rodriguez, to address the Canadian Chamber’s concerns with the motion.
Read the letter, here.
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