Travelling with an ATA Carnet for the first time can be overwhelming. We have developed a few resources to simplify the process and make sure your trip goes smoothly. You can also find downloadable detailed instructions, by clicking here.

When travelling with an ATA Carnet, it is important to stop at the various customs authorities to ensure all movement of your goods between borders is properly documented on your Carnet.
Here are some important steps to follow:
1. When you receive your Carnet:
- Ensure sufficient counterfoils and vouchers for the number of trips planned.
- If the itemized list is more than one page, ensure all pages are attached to the reverse side prior to presenting your Carnet for validation to respective customs authorities.
- Sign the front green cover where indicated ‘Signature of Holder’ (lower right-hand box).
- Present the Carnet for validation to Canada Customs. (All goods should be available for inspection. You can then travel with selected items.)
2. When you leave Canada (yellow forms):
- Present the Carnet to Canada Customs for completing of the exportation counterfoil – the counterfoil will remain in the Carnet.
- Complete the exportation voucher and give it to Canada Customs.
3. When you arrive in the foreign country (white forms):
- Present the Carnet to foreign customs for completing of the importation counterfoil – the counterfoil will remain in the Carnet.
- Complete the importation voucher and give it to foreign customs.
4. When you leave the foreign country (white forms):
- Present the Carnet to foreign customs for completing of the re-exportation counterfoil – the counterfoil will remain in the Carnet.
- Complete the re-exportation voucher and give it to foreign customs.
5. When you return to Canada (yellow forms):
- Present the Carnet to Canada Customs for completing of the re-importation counterfoil – the counterfoil will remain in the Carnet.
- Complete the re-importation voucher and give it to Canada Customs.