ATA Carnet /

Carnet Fees

We accept cash, certified cheque, money order, credit card and electronic funds transfers.

Basic Carnet Processing Fees

The Carnet processing fee is based on the total value of the goods listed on your Carnet. *These fees will come into effect on January 1, 2024*

Value of Goods
(Canadian dollars)
Member Non-member
1 – 4,999 $145 $185
5,000 – 9,999 $185 $240
10,000 – 19,999 $260 $325
20,000 – 49,999 $340 $410
50,000 – 99,999 $380 $450
100,000 – 249,999 $415 $490
250,000 – 499,999 $460 $525
500,000 + $505 $570

Counterfoils (One counterfoil per importation/trip)

Member Non-member
1-4 counterfoils Part of basic fee Part of basic fee
Additional counterfoils $40 for 4 trips
(minimum charge)
$40 for 4 trips (minimum charge)

Additional Trips

  Canadian Chamber member Non-member
Trips 1 – 4 (round trips) No additional charge No additional charge
Additional trips (round trips) $35 for 4 trips (minimum charge) $35 for 4 trips (minimum charge)

Expedited Service

Expedited service is available for a surcharge:


Delivered within 1 business day: Add 50% (40% for members) of the basic fee

Delivered within 3 business days: Add 40% ((30% for members) of the basic fee


Your fee will be automatically adjusted according to the requested delivery date.

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce is not responsible for any delays caused by courier companies, bad weather, or any other delays that are outside of its control.


Courier Fee

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce can provide an overnight courier service for a fee of $30 plus applicable taxes. You also have the option to pick-up your carnet at one of our locations, or to provide us with your courier account information.

Claims Handling Fee

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce reserves the right to assess claims handling fees for files that require excessive examination time, telephone, facsimile or postage charges and/or other issues that cause financial or other loss to the Canadian Chamber as a result of misuse of an ATA carnet or lack of cooperation from the carnet holder.


Based on $ Paid to Foreign Customs Handling Fee
$1 – 100 $25
$101 – 1,000 $50
$1,001 – 5,000 $150
$5,001 – 10,000 $250
$10,001 and above 2.5 % of amount paid by the Canadian Chamber (max. $3,000.00)