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Canadian Chamber’s Western Executive Council holds first in-person meetings
Canadian Chamber’s Western Executive Council holds first in-person meetings
A strong Western Canada is critical to a strong Canada, and we must act now to set up both the...

A strong Western Canada is critical to a strong Canada, and we must act now to set up both the region and the country for a successful future. It was with this spirit in mind that on April 19, the Chamber’s Western Executive Council held its first in-person meetings in Vancouver.
The Council started its day at the Port of Vancouver where members had a firsthand look at the opportunities and challenges facing Canada’s largest port. The tour, led by Port of Vancouver CEO Robin Sylvester, highlighted the importance of Canada’s Pacific Gateway in moving goods to and from Canada, and the need to continue to invest in trade infrastructure to grow our economy and protect our supply chains.
Following its visit to the Port, the Council held a lunch time discussion with the Hon. James Moore, P.C., where the former Minister of Industry and Regional Minister for British Columbia provided the Council with an outside government perspective on issues facing Western Canadian businesses.
The Council also engaged with Parliamentary Secretary to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Terry Beech. Mr. Beech provided the Council an overview of Budget 2022 and his thoughts on how it will help grow Western Canada’s economy. Council members raised the importance of the federal government engaging western Canadian business, in addition to discussing its priorities such as housing supply, the getting Canadian natural resources to market, and ensuring the government looks to implement an economic lens to regulation.
The busy day wrapped up with Michael Doyle, President of the Vancouver Canucks, hosting fellow Council members at a Vancouver Canucks game.
The Council will next meet at the Chamber’s Hill Day on May 30 in Ottawa, followed by a June 14 gathering in Calgary.
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