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AccessAbility – The $16.8-billion GDP Boost Canadians Need

AccessAbility – The $16.8-billion GDP Boost Canadians Need

Accessibility in Canada is inadequately addressing the barriers nearly four million Canadians face. Within the next 20 years, that number...

Accessibility in Canada is inadequately addressing the barriers nearly four million Canadians face. Within the next 20 years, that number is expected to soar to over nine million, but by creating a more accessible Canada, there is a potential to unlock $16.8 billion in GDP by increasing our economy’s productive capacity by 2030, according to the Conference Board of Canada.

Ultimately, improving accessibility not only betters the quality of life for persons with disabilities, but would also dramatically increase their labour force participation and consumer spending. Our members have vocalized finding and retaining skilled staff among their top issues, yet there is an entire pool of educated and qualified Canadians with disabilities who are waiting to be hired. With job retention rates 72% higher among people with disabilities, it makes good cents sense to invest in creating an accessible work environment.

Find out more in this month’s 5 Minutes for Business.

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