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The Future of Artificial Intelligence Council

The Future of Artificial Intelligence Council

To benefit from the transformative and economic potential of AI, we need a strategy that enables the widespread, responsible adoption of AI by Canadian businesses.

The Council

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce and its members on the Future of Artificial Intelligence Council are focused on proactively guiding federal AI policy in an era of heightened government scrutiny and regulation. The Council plays a leading role in advocating for policies that will establish AI as a positive economic force through the responsible development, deployment and use of AI in business.

The Future of Artificial Intelligence Council is an action-oriented, dynamic forum committed to working with government to encourage Canadian-led innovation and to integrate AI into business in a manner that will profoundly increase economic productivity and growth, thus benefiting the lives of Canadians across the country.

Leveraging the significant power of AI in our economy and society is a complex challenge. Since AI can present both opportunities and risks, there is curiosity and contention about what the future development and deployment will look like — especially regarding ethical implications. The Future of AI Council, made up of an inclusive cross-section of organizations operating in Canada, serves as a network and forum for businesses to collaborate and address this challenge together.


Melika Carroll
Head of Global Government Affairs and Public Policy

Joanne Pitkin
Senior Manager, Digital Policy, Canada

For more information on the The Future of Artificial Intelligence Council, please contact Ulrike Bahr-Gedalia, Senior Director, Digital Economy, Technology & Innovation.


Submission to the Digital Enforcement and Intelligence Branch, Competition Bureau Canada, regarding the consultation on competition and artificial intelligence (AI). Read more.

Ulrike Bahr-Gedalia, Senior Director of Digital Economy, Technology, and Innovation at the Canadian Chamber, discusses the importance of trust in data and privacy protection, in the context of generative AI driving economic productivity, with Mike Branch, Vice-President of Data and Analytics at Geotab and member of the Future of AI Council. Read more.

Ulrike Bahr-Gedalia, the Future of AI Council Lead and Senior Director, Digital Economy, Technology & Innovation at the Canadian Chamber, was selected to join the B20 Brazil Task Force on Digital Transformation. The task force will take a closer look at the potential and impact of digital technologies, including AI. Read more.

MPs to move on AI bill without testimony from Canadian companies: business group. (Toronto Star, March 2024). Read more.

Letter to Standing Committee on Industry and Technology: Additional feedback on the amendments proposed by Minister Champagne. (March 2024). Read more.

Letter to Standing Committee on Industry and Technology: Recommendation for further AIDA consultations with industry to refine the legislation and ensure its interoperability. (February 2024). Read more.

Recommendations on Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Systems and the Copyright Act in Canada in response to Innovation, Science and Economic Development’s (ISED) Consultation on Copyright in the Age of Generative AI. (January 2024). Read more.

As AI Comes Under Global Scrutiny, Canadian Chamber of Commerce Launches the Future of AI Council. (Innovating Canada, December 2023). Read more.

Letter of response to the Standing Committee on Industry and Technology regarding amendments to Bill C-27. (November 2023). Read more.

The Future of AI Council Launches As AI Comes Under Global Scrutiny. (Press Release, November 2023). Read more.

Canadian Chamber appears before Standing Committee on Industry and Technology (October 2023). Watch the recording.

AI could help solve Canada’s productivity problem — if only we’d let it (Toronto Star, October 2023). Read more.

Submission to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) on the Canadian Guardrails for Generative AI. Read more.

Submission to the Standing Committee on Industry and Technology on Bill C-27. Read more.
