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Health Innovation Committee

Health Innovation Committee

Our Health Innovation Committee advocates sound policies that support health innovations without losing sight of patient data privacy and protection.

Mandate and 2023 Objectives
The Health Innovation Committee supports health innovation, from inception to adoption, from ideation to implementation and from conception to completion. The Committee will concentrate on forward-looking strategies in order to advocate for the development of sound policies that support access to health innovation through a value-based approach by responding to legislative and regulatory developments and contributing to government consultations.
In 2023, the Committee seeks to improve adoption and access to health innovation for a more resilient and patient-centered system, reduce uncertainty and lack of predictability in the Canadian life sciences environment, strengthen health system sustainability, improve access to virtual health care, leverage life sciences as a vector of economic growth and enhance Canada’s global position.

Improve Patient-Outcomes and Make Canada’s Life Sciences Sector more Innovative

1.      Improve Access

  • Reduce the timeline from market authorization to patient access to innovations by streamlining and modernizing the regulatory approval, health technology assessment and pricing negotiation processes.
  • Ensure appropriate scope for National Pharmacare by building on rather than displacing the important role played by private payers and employers and by recognizing the jurisdiction of provinces and territories through enhanced cooperation.
  • Ensure Canadians have, simple, secure, and timely access via electronic means to their up-to-date personal medical information.
  • Ensure there is consistent patient access to treatments across Canada, including for the one in 12 Canadians with rare diseases.

2.      Better Leverage Data

  • Make Canadian data more interoperable and accessible, while protecting privacy.
    Ensure there is consistent patient access to treatments across Canada, including for the one in 12 Canadians with rare diseases.
  • Better integrate the use of real-world evidence to support decision-making and accelerate innovation adoption.
  • Harmonize healthcare-related privacy and data governance rules across Canada.

3.      Accelerate a Vision for Value-Based Healthcare

  • Establish a national innovation procurement centre of expertise to develop a value-based procurement framework as a model for willing provinces and territories.
  • Preach by example through federal-jurisdiction value-based procurement.
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