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Digital Economy Committee

Digital Economy Committee

Our Digital Economy Committee collaborates with policymakers to ensure ongoing economic growth, technology adoption and digital inclusion.

About the Committee

Our Digital Economy Committee is mandated:

  • To provide, collaborate on and advocate a path to ongoing economic growth, technology adoption and digital inclusion as well as an economy that is scalable and adaptable.
  • To encourage market forces to be agile and economic gains to be widely distributed.
  • To successfully comprehend and manage the transition to digitalization across all sectors, jurisdictions and populations.

Today, through increased high-speed Internet connectivity and robust digital infrastructure — two services that are essential to all Canadians — data quietly powers most of our day-to-day digital interactions across all sectors and geographies. But not only does data power most of these digital interactions, data also equals knowledge, which in turn equals power. Data is the new currency and now, more than ever, it is powering and protecting our lives.

By 2021, it is estimated that 1.7MB of data will be created every second for every person on Earth. At the same time, people’s trust in the security of their personal data, and thereby privacy, is eroding at a staggering pace. Privacy and data protection are crucial. Technology adoption and the transition to a digital-technology-intensive economy will have extensive implications for the macroeconomy. We are only beginning to understand how the digital economy will function and its long-term impact.

Keeping Canadians Connected, Productive & Safe

This video features a conversation with François Gratton, EVP and Group President, TELUS and Chair, TELUS Health and TELUS Québec, on the digital tools and innovations TELUS has implemented to keep Canadians connected, productive and safe.

Cybersecurity Risks, Issues & Trends Affecting Canadian Business

Three of Canada’s leading cybersecurity organizations, CIRA, Canadian Centre for Cybersecurity and Field Effect joined us to discuss cybersecurity risks, issues and trends affecting business as well as provide recommendations for Canadian businesses.

Maintaining Business Continuity during COVID-19

Rogers joined us to discuss business continuity through COVID-19 and beyond, including how to equip employees to work from home, how to keep providing the same level of service to your customers and how to access and protect your business data from anywhere.

Why Cloud Solutions & Cybersecurity Don’t Have to Be Daunting

We tap into cloud solutions and cybersecurity every day. Storing photos online uses cloud services. Updating passwords is practising cyber-secure behaviour. So why is it that, in business, we become wary to adopt new technology? Ulrike Bahr-Gedalia, our Senior Director of Digital Economy, Technology and Innovation explores this issue.

This brings us to the fundamental shift: moving from “Is the cloud secure?” to “Am I using the cloud securely?”

Technology Trends & Business Continuity

We were joined by Lisa Richardson, Vice President of Solution Sales, and Wayne Cuervo, Director of Innovation at Cisco Canada for a discussion on reevaluating digital transformation strategies so Canadian businesses can meet customer needs and thrive long-term.

In this Ever-evolving Work Environment, How Should Your Cybersecurity Change?

What precautions do you need to take to protect you and your organization from an increase in cyber threats during this unprecedented time? We were joined by Field Effect for a discussion on how to keep your organization safe from online threats throughout this pandemic and beyond.

Building Digital Capacity and Business Resilience during COVID-19

We were joined by Chris Foster, Vice-President, Information Services and Chief Information Officer at TC Energy for a discussion on building digital capacity and business resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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