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Bryan C. Duguid QC, FCIArb

Bryan C. Duguid QC, FCIArb

As counsel, arbitrator, or referee, Bryan focuses exclusively on the resolution of corporate and commercial disputes. In 2014, Bryan was...

Bryan C. Duguid QC, FCIArb

Jensen Shawa Solomon Duguid Hawkes LLP

feather-arrow-right Calgary, AB

As counsel, arbitrator, or referee, Bryan focuses exclusively on the resolution of corporate and commercial disputes.

In 2014, Bryan was appointed as Queen’s Counsel, and as a Fellow of the UK-based Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. In 2018, he was inducted as one of the maximum of twelve Alberta Fellows of the Construction Lawyers Society of America. In 2019, Bryan was appointed for a five-year term as one of three members of the Dispute Resolution Panel for the Ontario Independent Electricity System Operator. In 2020 and 2021, he was shortlisted by Benchmark Litigation as the Alberta Litigator of the Year. Bryan is also a member of the Western Canada Commercial Arbitration Society. 

Bryan started his legal career by articling with a major international law firm, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP.  He was an associate for 5-½ years, and a partner for 10 years. Bryan then joined Jensen Shawa Solomon Duguid Hawkes LLP in 2009, serving as its Managing Partner from 2013 to 2014, and Firm Chairperson from 2015 to 2019.

Bryan is regularly appointed by the parties, counsel, or the Court, as Chair, sole arbitrator or referee, or co-arbitrator for fast-tracked and high-stakes disputes in the areas of specialization listed on this webpage.

In addition, Bryan has has the following related experience:

Chair of Sub-Group and member of Steering Committee of the Uniform Law Conference of Canada (ULCC), Domestic Arbitration Legislation Group, that prepared a new uniform Arbitration Act for all of the provinces and territories in Canada, approved by the ULCC in November 2016.

Appointed in 2016 by the Minister of International Trade on behalf of the federal government of Canada, to the North American Free Trade Agreement Advisory Committee on Private Commercial Disputes, also known as the NAFTA 2022 Committee. The Committee reported and provided recommendations to the NAFTA Commission on the availability, use and effectiveness of arbitration and other procedures for resolving private international commercial disputes in the free trade area. The Committee has been continued in the Canada-US-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA) under Article 31.22 as the CUSMA Advisory Committee on Private Commercial Disputes, which allows for a maximum of eight non-governmental delegates from each member state, reporting to the Free Trade Commission.

Member of the Western Canada Commercial Arbitration Society, comprised of some of Western Canada’s most experienced domestic and international commercial arbitrators.

Founding Co-Editor of ADR Perspectives, a newsletter published by the ADR Institute of Canada, Inc.

Appointed to the arbitrator rosters of institutions including the ICDR, VanIAC (International and Domestic Panels), ICC Canada, ADRIC (including the Commercial Arbitrations Roster), ADRIA, and the American Dispute Resolution Center, Inc.

Appointed in 2021 to the Experienced Arbitrators panel to train, develop, and mentor recently-qualified Fellows of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, under the New Arbitrator Program.

For more information, please see Bryan’s website bio at:  https://jssbarristers.ca/litigators/bryan-c-duguid/


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