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Canadian Chamber Urges Government to Address the Damaging Impact of Digital Services Tax Following USTR Announcement

Canadian Chamber Urges Government to Address the Damaging Impact of Digital Services Tax Following USTR Announcement

Today’s announcement by the USTR confirms our longstanding concern that the digital services tax is damaging our most lucrative trading partnership.

The Canadian Chamber has been warning for months of the damaging impact of Canada’s digital services tax on Canadians and our trading relationships. Today’s announcement by the USTR confirms our longstanding concern that the digital services tax is damaging our most lucrative trading partnership at a critical time as we look ahead to a review of CUSMA.  This only stands to hurt Canadians as they struggle to afford the goods and services they need. We reiterate that to protect Canadians, the government needs to continue negotiating with the United States and halt the imposition of a unilateral DST, or at the very least, ensure that regulations do not include inflammatory retroactivity to 2022.

  • Jessica Brandon-Jepp, Senior Director, Fiscal and Financial Services Policy

About the Canadian Chamber of Commerce — The Future of Business Success

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce is Canada’s largest and most activated business network — representing over 400 chambers of commerce and boards of trade and more than 200,000 business of all sizes, from all sectors of the economy and from every part of the country — to create the conditions for our collective success. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce is the undisputed champion and catalyst for the future of business success. From working with government on economy-friendly policy to providing services that inform commerce and enable trade, we give each of our members more of what they need to succeed: insight into markets, competitors and trends, influence over the decisions and policies that drive business success and impact on business and economic performance.

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Karl Oczkowski
Senior Director, Corporate Communications and PR
613.238.4000 (2231)

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