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ICC Canada Arbitration Conference: A Guide to What Is Trending in Dispute Resolution

ICC Canada Arbitration Conference: A Guide to What Is Trending in Dispute Resolution

Did you know that we act as ICC Canada, Canada’s national committee of the International Chamber of Commerce? Along with...

October 29, 2019

Did you know that we act as ICC Canada, Canada’s national committee of the International Chamber of Commerce? Along with promoting international trade, responsible business conduct and a global approach to regulation, our membership with the ICC also allows us to have the ICC Canada Arbitration Committee.

Earlier this month, we gathered some of the leading international arbitrators for our ICC Canada International Arbitration Conference in Banff, Alberta. From panel discussions to networking, the conference allowed the arbitrators to address the changes and challenges confronting the international dispute resolution community.

So what were some of the key opportunities and obstacles discussed at this year’s conference? A main theme was addressing climate and natural resource concerns worldwide. We held a panel discussion that provided different perspectives on the increasing relevance of climate change and the environment in arbitrations and disputes worldwide. Against the background of depressed oil and gas prices and the challenges of getting pipelines to market in Canada, we also felt it was important to address the current trends in oil and gas arbitrations and what is on the horizon for arbitration in that sector.

The conference also allowed for arbitrators to hear from clients on their candid views of the arbitration process and how it has benefited their organizations. Additionally, they were able to learn about recent developments in international arbitration and other best practices.

To learn more about our ICC Canada Arbitration Committee, click here.

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