Interventions / Enjeux stratégiques /

Ressources naturelles, environnement et énergie

Ressources naturelles, environnement et énergie

Notre secteur des ressources peut jouer un rôle clé dans la réduction des émissions mondiales. Pour réaliser ce potentiel inexploité, il faut une orientation stratégique, un perfectionnement continu des politiques et un accès aux marchés mondiaux.

Our Position

Our resource sector is one of our nation’s greatest strengths and has been a key driver of economic and social development, but significant policy initiatives are necessary to realize its potential in the 21st-century. We must:

  • Advocate for regulatory reform to ensure we can build the infrastructure to get our resources to world markets.
  • Develop policy recommendations to ensure the decarbonization of our energy grids is a catalyst for further economic growth and development.
  • Create the policy environment to allow our resource sector to modernize its operations and infrastructure while creating opportunities for a 21st-century labour force.
  • Provide Canadian business with the opportunity to take a leadership position on climate policy and meet our NDC targets with emission reduction pathways that are market-driven, flexible and at the lowest possible cost for businesses and Canadians.