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Inclusive Growth: Advancing Equality and Diversity in the Workplace

Inclusive Growth: Advancing Equality and Diversity in the Workplace

A gender-balanced workplace is not just a women’s issue, but a business issue. Diversity in the workplace allows for creative...

A gender-balanced workplace is not just a women’s issue, but a business issue. Diversity in the workplace allows for creative thinking, innovation and problem solving, which ultimately provides businesses with a competitive advantage. Despite these benefits, 45% of employed women are working in one of 20 lowest-paying occupations according to Statistics Canada.

All of this begs the question, are Canadians doing what we can to truly achieve equality and diversity in the workplace? The statistics say otherwise. On average, women earn 10% less than men, but a recent report revealed that closing the wage gap and increasing female workforce participation could add more than $150 billion to the Canadian economy by 2026.

So what can your organization do to advance workplace gender equality and diversity?

  • Increase awareness of gender equality
  • Challenge widespread myths
  • Change structures instead of people
  • Adopt an intersectional approach to gender equality in the workplace

For more useful resources for how employers can advance quality and diversity in the workplace, read Employment and Social Development Canada’s report.

We have moved from goal to action by implementing diversity and inclusion policies for our Board and organization. These policies are intended to foster individual differences and the contributions of all team members so that the organization has the opportunity to benefit from all available talent. A specific highlight of our policy is that we have 40% representation from each gender on our Board and senior management team. To learn more about how we are creating a more gender-balanced workplace, click here.

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